Thursday, October 11, 2012

September 2012 Hotlist Week 3

Com Truise - "In Decay" 2012
This is his album that is a collection of some of his best stuff that he did before his major releases the last couple years. In some ways I prefer these slightly more primitive sounding songs to his current sound, which isn't really much different. Check out "84 Dreamin"

Com Truise - "Komputer Casts"
There is 6 volumes of these podcasts total. He mixes in a few of his own songs here and there, but it's mostly a mix of wacky 80's synth stuff. Really fun. They are all free downoads here.

El-P - "Cancer 4 Cure" 2012
This album is still sounding pretty good. I think I like it a slight bit better than the new Killer Mike album, also produced by El-P, but only barely. Both of these albums are like 2 peas in a pod. If you haven't seen it yet, definitely check out the video for "The Full Retard". People pretty much know what to expect from El-P if they've heard his music before, by now, and therefore this album comes off as his most predictable. It still doesn't make it a weak album at all, it just doesn't have the same element of shock and surprise he usually packs. 

Buckethead & Travis Dickerson - "Left Hanging" 2010
Buckethead teamed up with a jazzy sounding keyboardist. Sounds pretty damn nice. Check out "Game Theory" for an example of how well they sound together.

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