Friday, July 13, 2012

July 2012 Hotlist Week 1

Oh No - "On My Way" 2012
This is his alternate version/remix album of his debut album "The Disrupt" from 2004. I don't know if Stones Throw was just sitting on this for 7-8 years and just unleashed it now or what, but it sounds cool. I was never the hugest fan of the original album, mostly due to the lyrics not really being anything special, but I enjoy it when people release another angle of an older LP, and I kinda like some of these beats better than the originals too.

Kool Keith - "Love & Danger" 2012
Another Kool Keith album to add to the collection. This is a decent one with a few good tracks. If you enjoyed the "Tashan Dorsett" album, you'll probably like this.

Chris Shotliff & The Hardest Part - "Hope For The Best" 2010
Checking this out again to refresh my mind, because he gave me his new LP to review. I feel like if this was the 90's, and the music industry still ran like it did back then, this EP probably would have gotten him signed to a major label. Very professional sounding and very sellable to a few different genre's crowds.I'll talk more about it when I review the new album.

Devotchka - "100 Lovers" 2011
At this point, I think they just go through the motions of making albums and touring, because they can. They're definitely good enough to keep me interested, and thankfully they aren't falling off at all, so I guess I kinda feel like a chode, complaining about them staying too much the same from album to album. Whatever, this album isn't weak at all, and the last couple songs on the album are a step in the direction i'd like to see them go in, where they are making songs that don't remind you of other Devotchka songs, if you know what I mean.

Shnabubula - "SNESology" 2012
This EP is pretty cool. All made using the same sounds from Super Nintendo games' music, but these are newly written and programmed/played as far as I know. Super epic.

Amon Tobin - "Box Set Disc 1: ISAM Live" 2012
The first disc in his 7 disc box set. A recording from one of his live shows on his current tour. I'm excited to see this for myself. I like how he expanded these songs for the live versions,and I can't wait to see the multimedia craziness in person.

Jel - "JEL MIX MICE ELF" 2012
A nice cohesive mix of a lot of his productions and remixes. I enjoyed this a lot.

Large Professor - "Professor @ Large" 2012
This album is OK, but nothing special. When he tries to rap, he almost sounds uncomfortable on the mic, and most of the guests don't add a whole lot, except for maybe Busta Rhymes on the song he's on, that shit is tight. There's a few instrumental tracks scattered here and there on here, and i'd like to see more of that from him at this point in his career, they don't sound bad. He's not at the top of his game like he was in the 90's, but he's no slouch either at making beats.

Matthew Dear - "Her Fantasy" 2012
This single is like some 80's pop music from an alternate dimension or something. Too "weird" to actually be pop, but it's definitely got some kinda Danny Elfman/Oingo Boingo for the future type vibe goin on.

Bassnectar - "Divergent Spectrum" 2011
One of the more popular acts in dubstep, Bassnectar is pretty hit or miss for me. When they hit the mark, it sounds great, but they fall into boring, uninspired territory a decent amount of the time. I admit, I really dig the Gogol Bordello remix on here and at least 4 other tracks. It's worth a listen.

Rapewolf & Isaiah Toothtaker - "Rob Zombie" 2012
First of all, you should probably go watch all the videos from this on youtube or look up Machina Muerte's website, which is awesome. I think it gives a better appreciation for these songs. All the beats on here were done by Harry Fraud, so it's all some chilled out trap shit, for the most part. And really how can you go wrong when you've got choruses like "go fuck yourself, I hope somebody kills you". 

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